here's the deal, Sweets:
Your days are full, and you've accomplished so much. Yet you find yourself wondering things like: “Is this all there is?” and “Where has my joy gone?” and “Why am I working so hard?”
At the same time, you're stuck on that hamster wheel of busy-ness that says you'll be able to focus on how your life feels once x y and z get crossed off the to-do list.
(Except we know once they do, a b and c will pop up in their place. And so it goes. Forever and ever amen.)
Plot twist: This is where I come in! And where you start Living Out Loud...
This isn't someone's bullshit regime for living a successful life. It isn't 'follow some rules and you'll have everything you want'.
"This is about really looking within, recognising the truth of yourself and starting to listen to how that inner voice needs to inform how you work and live.
I used to measure my fragile self worth by how productive I was. I was permanently exhausted and full of anxiety but I wore my 'busy-ness' as a badge of honour.
When I realised I didn't have to do all the things all of the time and that my worth wasn't measured in to-do lists, it was a revelation.
That process of listening to my own—often quiet—inner voice continues and I feel ever more 'me' as year two unfolds. The process of learning and discovering feels more rapid this year perhaps because I'm more open to change, there's less resistance as I accept myself more fully and trust the journey.
I'm learning to be the me I always was, but had lost somewhere along the way.
I don’t feel apologetic about everything anymore. I don’t second guess my decisions or my judgement. I'm trusting that I have the right answers for me and that my own voice is one worth listening to.”
— Sarah Broadbent
And here's the deal: I’m not here to tell you that you have to stop being ambitious.
(We both know you couldn’t even if you wanted to. That would be like asking the sun to stop shining.)
Instead, it’s my job to remind you (and you already know this!) that there’s so much more to life than your achievements and that you’re going to miss all the good stuff if you don’t take your stuck-in-the-busy blinders off.
I want you to have both big goals AND expansion. And then some.
For over 13 years, I’ve helped creative high-achievers get clarity on and go after all the things they (really) want, aka live a life that actually feels good to be in, rather than performing the one they’ve been told to create.
It’s the best. And I’d love to get to help you create it for yourself.
Tiffany helps you lean into the ‘you’ you never knew, or allowed yourself to know. Having the hard conversations, when I didn’t think I could (or was even “allowed”?), has been MAJOR!
Also, I have given myself permission to shift course away from what I had been doing and working on the me that feels right and real. I have permission to ask myself “what feels good right now?” and this doesn’t even mean that I am lazy!!
This is pretty life-changing. And freeing.”
— Elizabeth Simms