This isn’t a sales page, it’s an invitation.
It is an invitation to a new way of approaching your creative work and crafting success for yourself – whether you’re running a business or just living your life.
One where spirit and strategy are viewed as equals. Where there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. Where you pave your own path. And one where – now we’re getting to the really good stuff, can you feel it? – the way you wake up in the morning feels revolutionary, even if the individual components of your life don’t look any different from the outside.
(Let’s take a moment to bask in what it would be like to wake up feeling energized and on purpose about how you’re spending your time and approaching the projects you’re working on. So good, right?)
One where you take bold, inspired action, but where you also balance that boldness with quiet and flow. Where you honor yourself and your spirit above your to-do lists. Where you say your truths. Out loud. Even when it’s inconvenient.
Where you stand up for what you believe in.
Where you lead by example to create a new generation of women who are willing to go all in for what they believe in.
I’ve taught hundreds of creative women how to take bold, inspired action on their creative dreams and know that these are the three main things holding you back from embracing your ideas wholeheartedly and making meaningful growth happen.
You have a huge vision for the work you want to be doing in this world. But your ideas don’t look like anyone else’s, so you aren’t sure they’re going to lead to success.
You are already making magic happen and have the drive and ambition to take things to the next level, but you aren’t giving yourself the time and space required for the clarity and conviction to move your work forward.
You’re super smart and are frustrated that you aren’t in love with what you’ve been working so hard to make successful. And you’re operating from a place of frenzy trying to keep all those looks-good-on-paper balls in the air.
You have a calling to make an impact on this world with your creative work. And you know that you’re meant to do more with this gorgeous life of yours.
You’re right. And you’re ready.
You deserve more than living the just fine version of your life. You deserve to thrive. This shift starts with you. Your intuition. Your voice. Your creative genius. The rest of the stuff is just logistics.
There’s a new version of creative success waiting for you that is rooted in clarity, conviction, and connection. And I’m going to teach you how to connect the dots of all three to make your mark on this world.
When you raise your hand and say yes to your most inspired, authentic ideas, you will be more successful in your creative endeavors, more connected to your work, and more empowered to keep making those bold moves that are going to move you and your vision forward. And when you have a community of like-minded peeps doing their biggest work alongside you, everyone is unstoppable.
This isn’t just another e-course. Or coaching program. Or inspiration you can hoard for when you’re ready one day. (Seriously. Resource hoarders need not apply.)
This is ongoing counsel so that you can get specific advice about your specific issue and then move on. It’s education around what it takes to create success on your own terms. And a behind-the-scenes look at the business of someone who’s on that path. (That’s me!)
It’s a study of how to integrate spiritual truths into your creative and business practices. And it’s a community of other women who want to make a change in this world who will be right there with you. Education. Community. Support. With just the right amount of bad-cop kicks-in-the-pants.
The real secret to creative success is learning how to cultivate resilience, grit, stamina, and connection while you also gain the experience needed for true knowing and mastery. But you don’t have to go it alone.
The doors to the Inner Circle originally opened in September, but, due to popular demand, I’m reopening applications for the current round (which runs until September 2018). If you’re feeling the FOMO, now is your chance to join us!
Hi, Sweets. Meet your new favorite thing on the internet.
Each month kicks off with a video lesson where I’ll teach you how to connect your strategy and spirit. These lessons will be based on honoring your creative voice, defining your own vision of success, and learning how to marry your most inspired ideas with the bold action required to move them forward in the world.
You’ll also get an inside scoop look behind the scenes of my business, access to my favorite resources and tools, and updates on my Spiritual MBA project.
These aren’t your average grow-your-biz videos. They’ll be as fun as they are thought-provoking.
And, by joining now, you’ll get immediate access to the library of lessons that have already been published – which means you can hit the ground running right away!
Month 1: Raise Your Hand and Say Yes to Redefining Success – how to find your way to your own version of success.
Month 2: Divine Order aka Getting Shit Done – your new productivity secret weapon!
Month 3: The Simplified Creative – how to simplify your way to creative freedom.
Month 4: Situational Awareness – aka how to plan for your big, bold moves and stay focused!
Month 5: Getting Back to Love – how to move beyond fear in your creative work.
There is also a 90-minute Q&A call each month where you can ask me anything about strategy, mindset, tools, and resources. We might talk newsletter strategy, if it’s okay for you to quit Twitter (YES!), and how to shift perspectives and deepen your faith all on one call.
It’s like a super useful version of a Reddit AMA. You get your Qs answered. I get to lavish you with all my love. You win. I win. Everybody wins.
You also get to hear what everyone else needs help with. Which means some extra resources pluuuuuus (even better!) knowing you aren’t alone. With the right support, you’re going to be fucking fierce.
(Some logistics: the Q&A calls are held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month and will be recorded, time-stamped, and shared with the group. You’ll be able to submit Qs in advance in case you cannot attend live. And yes, by joining now, you get immediate access to the past Q&A calls – which means you can dive right into getting the answers to the burning questions that are keeping you up at night!)
Each month, I also double dog dare you to commit to a courage challenge that will help you make a bold move to propel your vision forward (but that might also scare the pants off you!). From that email you’ve been putting off to your big ask, it’s go-time on the work that’s going to get you from Point A to Point Amazing.
No more thinking about what you need to do or putting it off. These challenges will root you in taking action with the accountability to make sure you follow through.
Oh, and just in case you think it can’t be done, every month you’ll get to witness me following through on the challenge in real time. On video. Freakouts and all. Together, we’ll step into the leadership roles we’re being called to realize for ourselves.
This experience also includes a FB community where you get to connect with your new biz besties, seek feedback on your BBI’s (Big Burning Ideas!), and get ongoing support as you rise up to the next level of your creative work.
I KNOW that the last thing anyone needs is another Facebook group. But this one will have structure, follow strict community guidelines, and will be your new source for connection with the peeps who can get you moving towards your true vision.
My RYHSY peeps are the best and this crew is the best of the best (srsly.). Get ready to fall in love.
A welcome kit in the mail (yeeeees prezzies!) that establishes you as an Official Hand Raiser and Yes Sayer. Welcome to the club, Sweets. It’s the best in here.
Exclusive access to invest in additional members-only coaching where you can get additional support and deep dives into the help you need to move forward. (Otherwise, my calendar is on lockdown.).
20% off upcoming offers You’ll also be a member of the Founders Crew and will get the inside scoop on what’s coming next for me and my own bold, inspired biz and exclusive first dibs on anything new. Cuz this is just the beginning.
By joining this inaugural round of the RYHSY Inner Circle, you also get access to these rad bonuses, designed to help you get moving stat and start tapping into your flow #likewhoa.
Through this 4-part series of 90-minute webinars, you’ll get a deep dive into the inner workings of my business and how this offer evolved from idea to reality. You’ll also learn how much money I’ve made each year in my biz (whuuuuut?! yes.), how I crafted my goals for 2017, how I approach making changes, and how I decided to create an Inner Circle (spoiler alert: I’m the smartest.)
I know, I know. Plain old ideas are a dime-a-dozen, but how do you come up with stand-out ideas that are going to get you noticed in this crazy, noisy world of ours? I’ve got you covered, Sweets, and this workbook will walk you through how to take those stale ideas that everyone’s peddling and flip them on their heads. There will be worksheets, there will be aha’s, there will be a quick-pick list of 25 Ready to Go content ideas. No more waiting for it. Do not throw away your shot. (Because everything’s better with Hamilton.)
Through these downloadable meditations (ranging from 10-30 minutes), my spiritual guru Lacy Young will help you tap into your spirit by sorting out whatever’s ailing you in the moment. Feeling nervous about hitting send on a big email? There’s a meditation for that. Feeling stoked but simultaneously overwhelmed? There’s a mediation for that. Feeling SO READY to go all in and need a final boost. Yep, Sweets. There’s a meditation for that. #namasteandslay #allday
Investment: $133/month (for 8 months) or a single-payment of $890 (2 months free! Founder’s Club pricing!) for membership through September 2018 with immediate access to the current library of content!
There are 14 spots available.
VIP applications are open through midnight PST on Wednesday, 2/7. Apply now for priority access!
Intrigued but still on the fence? Here’s the part where I seal the deal by showing you what’s possible for your life when you go all in on raising your hand and saying yes to those truths you’re ready to fully know and those bold moves you’re ready to make:
You will revolutionize the way you approach your creative work, moving beyond what everyone has taught you about growth to go deeper into what you intrinsically know to be true about the world – and let said truths become the foundation of everything you do. In a way that let’s you talk about the things that light you up – and resonate with the people who need your work the most!
You’ll shift your focus to what’s actually important instead of dicking around online trying to learn the latest tricks about Instagram ads, leveraging popups, and tricking people into receiving your emails. Instead, your marketing efforts will be grounded in you talking authentically about your work as a way to invite other people to change their lives.
You’ll create from a place of flow. Your creative work will speak to something deeper. Day job or no, you’ll be doing work that lights you up and keeps you connected to your greater purpose.
The grit that’s gotten you to where you are now is what is also going to propel your work to the next level – where you wake up in the morning excited to dive in, where you give your ideas the time they need to simmer, and where you have faith in your big crazy ideas.
This is the part where I COULD tell you that I know your 6-figure business is only a few weeks away. (I don’t know that.) Or where I’m supposed to tell you that I have all the secrets you need to get as many Instagram followers as The Rock. (Sorry. Probably not going to happen.) Or that you’re doing it wrong when it comes to marketing. (What if there isn’t a right or wrong answer when it comes to your business?)
Here’s what I’ll tell you instead:
+ There is no one-size-fits-all formula to success. I can (and will!) share what’s worked for me and the best practices you can consider, but at the end of the day, it’s up to you to forge your own path and go your own way.
+ You already have the answers you need. But they’re hidden behind the noise of things you should be doing and the desire to keep up with the Jones’s and the hope that you can figure things out without making too many ripples.
+ Ripples need to be made. You need to make them. You know it. I know it. And I will help you get out of your own way to get your big ideas out into the world.
Oh, and, of course, you might also be expecting my super-legit profesh bio here, but here’s the deal: if you’re ready to trust me, you’re ready to trust me. And if you don’t know who I am or don’t yet know if you should trust me, the Inner Circle probably isn’t the place for you.
I screen applicants to make sure that everyone who signs on for this experience is ready to do the work required to raise their hands and say yes to that big work. There’s no obligation to join after applying, and you might learn a thing or two by going through the process.
To be clear, this is not a program solely focused on business growth or marketing strategies. It is a different kind of experience designed to help you make significant shifts in how you’re showing up to your creative work in this world. (Hint: if you’re feeling all the butterflies right now, that’s the sign that you should apply!)
Oh, and a warning: If you’re hoping to avoid facing your self-defeating tendencies, need an always-available shoulder to cry on, or are looking for someone else to solve all your problems, this ain’t for you. Likewise, if you are stuck and overwhelmed by the I don’t know’s that come along with your creative urges and are feeling paralyzed about where to go next, this program won’t be able to help you. I need you to be ready – really ready. (But if you’re feeling a deep, resounding HELL YES to clarity, conviction, and connection, let’s go.)
Investment: $133/month (for 8 months) or a single-payment of $890 (2 months free! Founder’s Club pricing!) for membership through September 2018 with immediate access to the current library of content!
There are 14 spots available.
VIP applications are open through midnight PST on Wednesday, 2/7. Apply now for priority access!
At this point, you might be wondering if you can try this out for a month.
Sorry, but nope. Not for this project, you can’t. And here are three reasons why:
1. Because this work takes time. (And if you aren’t ready or willing to put in the time, that’s okay. This just isn’t the program for you.)
2. Because this experience isn’t for the commitment-phobes, dabblers, or peeps looking for a quick fix. If you’re not sure that you’re ready, you probably aren’t. And that’s okay. You will be one day. (Probably sooner than you think.) (Subsequently if you’re equal parts excited and nervous and are thrilled by what’s possible, let’s go.)
3. Finally, let’s be honest, once this party gets going, neither of us are going to want it to end. (Insert dancing twins emoji, #pleaseandthankyou)
Right. And that exhaustive list of FAQ’s that are going to address every single reservation you might have and seal the deal? I don’t have that either. Because I don’t want to have to sell you on this. I want you to have already raised your hand and said yes. To being a leader. To this community. And to yourself.
The bullet points:
+ The monthly 90-minute Q&A calls will happen via video conference on the 2nd Wednesday of each month, with the timing of each call varying to accommodate different time zones (likely 10am PST and 3pm PST). They will be recorded and shared, and you’ll submit questions in advance in case you cannot attend live.
+ Yes, I am active in the FB group, but not every day. Yes, there are boundaries. No, no one is allowed to be that girl.
+ No, you don’t have to have a business to participate. Yes, you should have some sort of greater calling or creative project to make this work for you.
+ Yes, you will be able to invest in additional coaching with me as my schedule permits. This will be offered in both single-participant sessions and small-group calls of no more than 4 where each person gets 1-on-1 coaching but also gets to listen in on the other participants’ coaching. (And if that makes you nervous, you’ve forgotten that everyone in this group will be freaking rad. Learning from each other is a total win.)
+ In joining the group now, you will be enrolled for the inaugural round of the Inner Circle that is running through September 2018. You will have immediate access to the past catalog of content (for October – January) as well as all of the bonuses included in the offer. In addition, I’m holding a new participant orientation welcome call on Friday, February 16 so that I can help get you up to speed right away! I will be raising the price for this offer in the fall, so joining will not only allow you to participate right away, but you’ll also be able to apply Founder’s Club pricing to any future enrollments. (Oh, yes!)
+ No, I’m not doing rolling acceptances. Applications will open to the public from Thursday, February 8 until Friday, February 9 at 10 pm PST, and I’ll be sending out acceptance letters via email on Monday, February 12. You’ll have 48 hours to secure your spot once you receive your acceptance. There are only 30 spots available.
+ All sales are final. My promise to you is that if you commit to doing this work, your life will be changed. But just like Whole Foods cannot force you to eat the kale and J. Crew cannot force you to wear the dress, it is up to you to follow through on what you want for your life.
+ Yes, if you have any lingering q’s, you can email me. I’m the nicest.
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