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It’s time for things to change — in a big BIG way.
Introducing Glitterbomb: A group coaching experience that transforms the ready and willing into superheroes.
It’s time to move your full-grown business to the major leagues instead of being paralyzed by the overwhelm of holy-shit-there’s-so-much-to-do-where-do-I-even-start. It’s time to connect with your friends (and make some new ones!) instead of making nothing but small talk. It’s time for you to give your life real meaning and value by taking time to extract what you want from it.
It’s time for shenanigans. It’s time to make every day dance-party worthy.
It’s time to feel fucking awesome about your life.
This program will give you the push to leap out of your stagnant comfort zone, shake up your dull life, and dust the truth off so you can shine amongst the darkness.
Say goodbye to Ms. Boring McBlahsypants and dust off your cape, Baby. Cause it’s time to fly.
What’s included in the 3-month Glitterbomb Experience?
Investment: $147/month for 3 months
Pick your potion of choice and let’s do this!
You’ve lived the life you should live for long enough.
You think you need to be skinny to feel sexy.
You think you need to make 6 figures to be successful.
You think you need to be married to feel love.
So you’ve followed the checklist to be happy, successful and content. But it’s not working.
And you’re fucking ready for something more.
You’re ready for life to feel fun again! And easy! And you’re ready to live like it matters.
Spend 3 months with me and we’ll clear out the clutter of your should-filled closet and redesign your life so that it works for YOU. Find out what your version of happy looks like. Starting now.
What you’ll get:
* the courage to dream bigger, do more, and kick ass
* an achievable, real-life action plan for accomplishing your goals
* tools, tools, and MORE tools: manage your time, manage your fear, and manage your dreams
* a ballistic missile of encouragement with a side of bullshit-calling
Investment: $147/month for 3 months. Fall Session runs September – November 2014.
I’ve started to become the woman I’ve dreamed of being, and now I know I have the tools to fully step into who I want to be, no matter what comes up in the future. I also feel so much more prepared to start and run my own business in the next few months. Tiffany is an awesome coach and a wonderful person, and you will not regret inviting her into your life! -Leigh Plummer
Tick tock, Gorgeous. 15 spaces available. Next session runs Fall 2014 (September – November). Ready to go? Click the superhero to pay a nonrefundable $147 deposit (which will apply to your first month’s payment) and GAME ON.
Do you have grand visions for the business of your dreams but feel stuck getting it off the ground?
Do you find yourself feeling OMG-SO-COMPLETELY-MOTIVATED when you think about what you want to do but find yourself deflated when it comes time to actually get shit done?
Do you spend hours each day on the computer but feel like you’re just spinning your wheels?
I know about the growing pains of a new business! And I know that with the right combination of accountability, clarity, and action, you can blast through those teenage years with grace.
What you’ll get:
* firecracker confidence and more motivation than you know what to do with!
* a detailed plan for what needs to happen and the TOOLS to get ‘er done
* strategies to move yourself out of overwhelm-ville into ACTION-town
* a plan to get past the stories that are holding you back once and for all
* a ballistic missile of encouragement with a side of bullshit-calling
Investment: $147/month for 3 months. Fall Session runs September – November 2014.
I signed up for Glitterbomb Your Biz because I desperately needed clarity & confidence in my business. It was getting to the point where if I didn’t create a solid plan, release my doubts, and make things happen, I would have to give it all up and get a “real” job.
Tiffany and the group gave me the strength and motivation to face my doubts head-on, say NO to the projects that were bringing me down, and finally take ACTION to achieve my goals.
Now the future of my business is looking brighter than ever. By the 2nd month of Glitterbomb I was making more money than I ever have before! This program has truly been a lifesaver. – Erin Cassidy, artsocial
Let’s get to the other side, eh? No one wants to be a teenager forever. 15 spaces available. Next session runs Fall 2014 (September – November). Ready to go? Click the superhero to pay a nonrefundable $147 deposit (which will apply to your first month’s payment) and GAME ON.
Why Glitterbomb Your Life and Glitterbomb Your Biz? Why not just have one group?
I decided to split the groups up because those of you focusing on your business will have different goals and a different focus on the people who want to shake up their lives. While there will be a good deal of cross-over in both groups, I wanted to be sure to focus as tightly in as possible for both.
I’m really worried that this will interfere with the holidays and family plans. Can’t you run it again at the first of the year?
First of all, I’m a firm believer that the holidays are the best time for us to seek out support and encouragement. Stress is often at an all-time high, and this group will help you show up as your best self through whatever life has to throw at you.
Second of all, this is your chance to get a jump on your New Year’s resolutions in a BIG way. If you’re tired of deciding on who you want to be on January 1, this program is your opportunity to get your vision and action plan ready to go and start acting so that when the new year rolls around, you’re already living the life you want to live.
I really really really wanna do this but am going to be {traveling/working/dancingmyfaceoff} and may have to miss a call. Will that be okay?
Absolutely, each of the group calls will be recorded and posted in your group’s private Facebook group for easy access.
Will the Biz and Life groups have the same Facebook group?
No. Each group will have its own private Facebook gathering.
How many people will be in my group?
Both the life and biz group will be open to 15 people each. I want to keep things small and intimate.
Will you be running this again?
Yes. While I do plan to offer this group coaching again in the future, this is the last time before at least next summer. I do not know specific timing about when this group will be run again.
What will the group calls be like?
Each of the group calls will be an hour long. They will all start with a welcoming and a teaching from me related to the week’s topic (weekly emails go out every Monday). We will then open it up for one-on-one spot-coaching and discussion.
Will I be guaranteed one-on-one coaching time with you, Tiffany?
No. Although I’m unable to guarantee one-on-one coaching time with each of you during the bi-weekly group calls (I will do my best!), you will have the option of upgrading your experience to include one hour-long coaching call with me each month.
I’m interested in doing this with a friend. Can you make sure we’re paired up in an accountability group?
Sure thing! Once you’ve reserved your spot using the registration button above, you’ll be taken to a questionnaire so that I can get more information about where you are and where you want to be. There will be a place to indicate your accountability group preference there.
I won’t be doing this with a friend and am nervous about having strangers be in my accountability group.
I totally get this. I can assure you that I will take all factors (personality, time zones, goals) into account when setting up accountability groups. It’s like I’m your Yenta.
Remember: while this experience is about moving forward on your goals, it’s also about building community. So while your accountability group members may start out as strangers at the beginning of the program, they might wind up being your internet-bffs by the end of the three months!
Can I try it out for a month? What if I can’t commit?
Unfortunately, I need you to only sign up if you are able to commit to all three months of the program.
Eek! I want to do it but I’m nervous! And excited! Ahhh! What should I do?
First, breathe. And second, trust: Nervousexcited is my most favorite of emotions. It’s how you know something’s the real deal. Which you are. And it’s time for you to show your dreams that they’re the real deal too.
Ready to go?
Registration is open through August 22, or whenever the groups sell out.
Questions? Concerns? Woo Hoos? High Fives? Hit me up yo![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
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