You’ve got big plans for yourself, don’t you? You dream about your creative business taking off one of these days.
You’ve taken all the e-courses! and done all the research! and read all the blogs! but no matter how many tips and tricks and best practices you hoard, fear is still standing in the way of you and the business (and life!) you want.
The doubts keep sending you back into your internet tailspin, into the arms of the social media posts and the courses and the blog posts and I should learn that too! and the result is mediocre at best – a website that looks good but doesn’t stand out amongst the masses, lovely emails that don’t garner unsubscribes but also aren’t saying anything, great ideas and pitch ideas that dance around in your head but never get sent, and a business that is just fine but doesn’t thrill you. At all.
And you’re sick of spinning your wheels trying to stay busy and wishing and waiting for someone to finally take note of your amazing work.
It’s time to raise your hand and say yes to the things that scare you, to what you really want to say to the world, to sending the pitches and making the asks, and to the business (and life!) you deserve.
Newsflash, Gorgeous: With the right combination of clarity and action (and a dash of scrappy resilience), this will be the year that your business learns to fly.
It’s your turn to raise your hand and say yes to the big dreams that keep you up at night, to creative risk, to figuring it out as you go and to yourself. You are ready. Now. (I promise.)
At last, you stop researching and start pitching. You get clarity on your brand and what you have to offer the world. You go all in on yourself, on your voice, and on what you have to offer the world.
Darling, it’s time to start being remarkable. At long last, it’s your time.
100 Rejection Letters is a year-long coaching and mentorship program and online community dedicated to helping you embrace creative risk, step beyond your fear (and your comfort zone!) and build a truly remarkable business and brand.
This program will teach you how to master the art of making the ask, clarify the story that your brand is trying to tell, achieve focus towards your goals, and create a habit of sustained action towards building a business you love – without letting fear hold you back any longer.
With the combination of mentorship, structure, support, and accountability, you’ll be able to start doing all of the work you’ve only been thinking about doing up until now. And you’ll walk away with a heaping dose of confidence, a jam-packed toolbox, and a business that is killing it.
The time to start is right now. (No. Really. Now.)
When you stop spinning your wheels, clearly define your brand, and start taking action, you will connect with your right people, make more money and (finally!) be doing the work you’ve been dreaming about.
I’ve been on my own quest to get 100 Rejection Letters and, in the process, I’ve grown my business like gangbusters (read here for more of the inside scoop!), learned what my brand really stands for, connected with amazing peeps all over the world, and figured out how to fall in love with each and every no that comes my way. I can’t wait to show you how to do the same! Let’s get going…
Through this program, Tiffany taught me how to *start*, even before I’m ready (although she’d say I’m more ready than I think!), to say YES even when it’s scary (because sometimes, wanting to throw up is a good sign you’re onto something BIG), and to take responsibility for my decisions in life. Whew! I wouldn’t be where I am today without her!Christine Herrin | christineherrin.com
It’s been really liberating to take chances, knowing that failure meant only a gold star and another chance to be clearer next time I asked. Because I’ve been taking risks, I’ve been continually surprised by all the times people have said yes.Loren Rhodes | Author of The Dangerous Type | lorenrhodes.com
I knew that I needed to take the next step in my business but I had no idea what it was. When I came across 100 Rejection Letters for the first time it felt like a sigh of relief: “Ah, yes. THIS is what I’ve been looking for.” Tiffany is the perfect blend between the supportive best friend and the wise mentor: she know so much and shares it, gets vulnerable (like you’re having a 2 A.M. talk with your best friend), and cheerleads like nobody’s business.This program is AMAZING: the stuff of magic. It can seem like a lot of heavy work up front, and figuring out how to get comfortable pitching yourself isn’t the most sexy task in the world. But once you go through an initial round of pitches and realize that hey, some people will say no and that’s okay? It’s literally life-changing.
Indigo Colton | indigocolton.com
Starting November 1, over the course of 12 months, you’ll get…
Graphic Design and
Visual Branding
Social Media
Blogging and Working
with Contributors
Law for Creative
First 50 registrants:
The first 50 people to register will receive a 1-on-1 45-minute brand clarity strategy session with me (valued at $300) to be used within the first 6 weeks of the program.
First 100 registrants:
The first 100 people to register will receive the following digital programs:
If you’ve been considering working with Tiffany long-term 1-on-1 to help you develop and craft your remarkable brand and grow your business by stepping beyond your comfort zone, the Gold Star VIP Mastermind is for you.
By enrolling, you’ll be able to not only partake in the 100 Rejection Letters experience, but also uplevel your adventure to include:
Not only will you have an ally beside you all year long to help you push past the shoulds and identify your musts, you’ll be able to see how everything fits into the big picture of your life and have the support of a small group of like-minded creatives to say accountable to. This mastermind is designed to give you both the benefits of 1-on-1 work with a business coach (hi! that’s me!) and a community of rad entrepreneurs doing similar work.
(Acceptance into this level is by application only; 6 spots available)
Monthly Lesson
Monthly Q&A Call
Monthly Inside Scoop Newsletter
Monthly Kick in the Pants Email
Kit, including:
Rejection Tracker, Gold Stars, Idea Journal, & Inspirational Print
Online Community
(Early Bird Pricing Available through 10/19)
($1,197 after 10/19)
3 installments of $399
($499 after 10/19)
12 installments of $125
($150 after 10/19)
Monthly Lesson
Monthly Q&A Call
Monthly Inside Scoop Newsletter
Monthly Kick in the Pants Email
Kit, including:
Rejection Tracker, Gold Stars, Idea Journal, & Inspirational Print
Online Community
8 1-on-1 Hourly Calls with Tiffany
Monthly Small-Group Accountability Calls
Quarterly Co-Working Mastermind Days
3 Day In-Person Bay Area Retreat
Only 6 spots available.
($6,000 after 10/19)
12 installments of $500
($550 after 10/19)
Tiffany took me from a place off not even truly believing that my dream of becoming an interior designer was a possibility, to launching a whole friggin’ business less than a month later. She’s like an “awesome whisperer,” who somehow managed to help me realize that I was totally ready to do this thing that I had convinced myself I could never do.Erica Reitman | vintagedesign.me
I knew I wanted to do something creative and passionate and not just trudge through life, and 100 Rejection Letters helped jolt me out of complacency! With the right balance of compassion and keeping me in check, Tiffany delivered a program that will give you the best version of what you put into it. There will be real talk in a love, supportive way, a kick in the ass when you need it, and a dance party celebrating your success – and rejections! And who doesn’t need more gold stars?Jessamyn Harris | jessamynharrisweddings.com
100 Rejection Letters gives you permission to remove the fear and dread out of putting yourself out there, because Tiffany helps you to figure out that it’s more about seeing what happens when you do, rather than the failing. Plus, knowing that there’s a group of people who are out there doing the same thing in their worlds buoys the spirits and somehow makes you braver. And there’s also something about getting a virtual high-five and a big congratulations for getting a rejection that deflates the failure feelings, almost totally.I’ve learned that the biggest hurdle to success is really not rejection at all, but my relationship to it. If rejection is placed on a level playing field with success and happiness and fulfillment, and not placed above all those better things, than putting myself out there becomes much less frightening and more empowering. To have this understanding in my toolbox changes everything for me.
Liz Kalloch | lizkallochdesigns.com
100RL was a safe space for me to learn that I’m braver than I thought I was and less reject-able than my inner critic tells me I am.I learned how to do the stuff that scares me and expand my comfort zone without that feeling of OMGTHEWORLDWILLENDAFTERICLICKSEND. This program really was a before and after moment for me. I’ve signed up for a lot of other things that promise This. Will. Change. Your. Life and honestly? Nothing really did. It’s not that I participated in mediocre programs, but that fear always was the thing that stopped me. When rejection and “failures” became wins, fear truly, really couldn’t stop me. (Of course I still felt it, it still hurt, but it didn’t stop me). It’s an amazing way of detaching from fear not only in business, but in life in general. I can’t recommend 100RL enough.
Georgina Heredia Trejo | lenguaslenguas.wordpress.com
First: We start where you are, uncover your Big Vision, and then map out your goals – both long and short term – so that you know both your starting place and where you want to be going – and how pitching can get you there. You’ll also learn the nuts and bolts of pitching right away so you can get out there and start making your asks!
Next: You’ll craft your pitch plan, learn the art of the follow up, how to find the easy yes, and how to evaluate what’s working and what isn’t in both your pitching AND your overall business. (Don’t worry! It will be fun!)
Simultaneously: While you’re learning all about pitching and getting tons of practice, you’ll also be defining and refining your brand. Wondering how exactly to articulate what you do, who you do it for, and how you stand out among the masses? You’ll walk away knowing all of those answers and being able to use them to craft your plans and strategies.
Finally: You’ll develop a habit of and commitment to taking action and learn how to generate all the ideas and keep up with all the work and new opportunities that are coming your way!
At the end of our 12 months together, you’ll walk away with the clarity to know what your brand is and how to communicate that to the world, the focus to know how pitching can move you towards your goals – whether it’s more clients and sales or a bigger audience or a collaborative project, and the commitment to both sustained action and scrappy resilience – despite the nerves, despite the fears, despite the discomfort.
(It’s time to embrace your badass self and (finally!) start doing the work you’re meant to be doing. Yes. You.)
You won’t have time to worry about being nervous and uncomfortable or what everyone else is doing because you’ll be busy, proactive, and focused on your creative work. The work that this world needs. The work that you are so freaking ready to do.
You’ll be doing your work and making an impact. Your voice will be heard. You will find your place in this creative world, and you will know that you are legit and that your creative work matters.
I gave birth to twin girls on Valentine’s Day 2014. As my maternity leave passed, I looked at my business and wasn’t exactly thrilled with what I saw. I was doing fine, but it (and the long hours and hustle that went along with it!) was no longer good enough for me and my new family.
I knew that if my business was in the same place 5 years down the road, I’d have to give it up because I was working too hard for too little return on my energetic investment. I knew that, if things stayed exactly where they were, I’d have to go out and get – gasp! – a job.
I couldn’t handle 5 more years of the hustle, of the just maybes, of the overthinking. I couldn’t take 5 more years of watching other people get the opportunities I wanted for myself.
In order to make my business work for me and my new family, I had to stop holding myself back. I had to find a way to overcome the fear of putting myself out there.
I had to find a way to find a way to take my business to the next level. (Otherwise, was it even worth having a business?)
And so, I made a commitment to getting 100 Rejection Letters, to raising my hand and saying yes even when I’m not certain. Even when I have to figure it out as I go. Even when it would be easier not to.
I spent a year going all in on my business, but I realized that growth wasn’t just about pitching. It was also about narrowing down, getting specific, finding out what I really wanted to say – it was about developing a strong, cohesive brand.
So I evolved my brand. And simultaneously started pitching. And the results were tremendous. While I’m only hovering at about 30 rejection letters, I refined my pitch, developed my audience, and honed my voice and as various people have told me, my business “is blowing up.” Not only do I have a bigger audience (and bigger revenue!) than I ever have before, but I’m clear on my right work and am able to say no to the things that aren’t a good fit with ease.
This was the year I doubled my newsletter subscribers and saw an instagram growth of nearly 500%. This was the year that I grew my podcast to an average of 1,000 downloads per day. This was the year that I grew my overall reach by 32% – which includes the platforms I didn’t pay any attention to at all! It was also the year that I taught for CreativeLive and spoke at ALT Summit – twice!
Not only will I teach you everything I know and have learned about developing your voice, building your brand, and crafting your pitch, I’ll also share a behind-the-scenes look at my business (including goals, revenue, and pitches!) with you as I move towards my big business goals and my continued quest for 100 rejection letters.
For this next year, I’m going to be focusing on growing my podcast (and considering sponsorship!), writing (and pitching!) a book proposal, starting a new professional project (coming soon!) and developing and growing them all with my Raise Your Hand Say Yes philosophy: trusting that I will figure it out as I go, celebrating a rejection as a sign that I’m trying and knowing that a single win or loss isn’t going to set my overall career – but that a sustained habit of doing the work will.
And you’ll be with me every step of the way.
Bottom line? By signing up for this program, you are committing to saying yes. To putting yourself out there. To trying. And going for. And seeing what happens.
You will take chances and raise your hand and say yes – to yourself, to the business that you really want, to creating things for yourself even though you have doubts and fears and uncertainties.
Not only will you walk away having embraced the possibility of rejection and realizing that a single no can’t stop you, you will also have spent a year building a remarkable brand that is noteworthy and noticeable to your right people in this crowded market.
This program is not about rejection as a sport. It’s not about sending mass pitches to whichever email addresses you can find. It’s about creating a sustainable action plan and building a solid, remarkable brand that will help you take the steps to a successful business.
It’s about letting go of one single outcome as your make it or break it point. It’s about embracing a philosophy of experimentation and learning and scrappy resilience and an attitude of I don’t know how to do this yet, but I will figure it out no matter what it takes.
And it’s about giving yourself an entire year to do it with structure, accountability, and support so that by this time next year, it’s your habit. It’s your way. It’s your life.
Will it be scary? Absolutely.
Will it take work? And courage? And perseverance? Yes.
Will there be moments when you want to chuck it all, crawl into bed, and give up on everything? Probably.
But will it be worth it? Oh hell yes.
Will you come out of this experience changed in how you approach your life? Oh hell yes.
Will you claim opportunities for yourself that you cannot in this moment even begin to imagine? OH HELL YES.
And isn’t it time for things to really change? Aren’t you tired of waiting around hoping that something happens for you? What if this was your year to MAKE that things happen instead?
(Spoiler alert: it is. If you want it.)
Are you with me?
[accordion clicktoclose=”true”]
[accordion-item title=”+ But Tiffany, I’m tired of signing up for all the courses and not getting anywhere. How is this program different?”]This is absolutely not another e-course. This is an online program unlike any other. I will be your coach and mentor through the 100 Rejection Letters process, but you will have to do the work. Nothing is going to happen for you unless you make a commitment to this project, and, in turn, your business and what it can mean to your life. This is the program for you if you’re tired of learning everyone else’s rules and are ready to make your own. And if you’ve made it this far, I know you’re ready. So what are you waiting for?[/accordion-item]
[accordion-item title=”+ I’m intrigued but nervous at the same time! What else do I need to know?”]I get it. Taking the leap into the business that you really want is scary and big. And that’s the exact reason why right now is your time. If you weren’t nervous, that would mean you didn’t care. And if you don’t care, this is not the program for you. I firmly believe that feeling like you might throw up is a sign that you’re 100% on the right track. I want you to be thrilled at the prospect of what this program could bring to you. And if you’re feeling that mix of nervous-excitement, what are you waiting for?[/accordion-item]
[accordion-item title=”+ When does it start? Can I start getting rejections now?”]OMG of course! While the program officially starts November 1, I strongly encourage you to start putting yourself out there right away. Early rejections still count![/accordion-item]
[accordion-item title=”+ How much time will it take?”]It depends. How much time are you willing to put towards growing your business. If you cannot fathom finding 2-3 hours each week to dedicate towards growing your business, this is not the program for you. Not sure how you’ll find the time? Consider how much time you spend screwing around on the internet and what might happen if you were able to replace that time with work that was actually productive. What if everything else melted away and you made this project your priority? You might be less worried about time and more concerned with OMGCANISTARTALREADY?![/accordion-item]
[accordion-item title=”+ When are the monthly Q&A calls?”]The monthly group calls will be held on the second Monday of each month at noon PST, starting November 9. All calls will be recorded for participants to access whenever they’d like. If you have a question you’d like answered but won’t be able to attend the call, you will have an opportunity to post your question to the Facebook group in advance.[/accordion-item]
[accordion-item title=”+ What if I can’t make the live calls?”]All calls will be recorded for participants to access whenever they’d like.[/accordion-item]
[accordion-item title=”+ Do I have to be on Facebook?”]If you don’t already have a facebook account, you can open one just to participate in this program. We promise not to tell anyone from High School! While it is highly recommended that you participate in the group discussions to get the most out of the program, I will simultaneously encourage you to set limits on your social media usage so that you spend your time doing your work and not participating in the community![/accordion-item]
[accordion-item title=”+ Am I far enough along in my business to participate?”]If you have a business and a dream to get your voice out into the world, then yes.[/accordion-item]
[accordion-item title=”+ I’m interested, but I don’t have a creative business. Can I still participate?”]Perhaps. If there’s something you want in your life, whether it’s a new job, a relationship, or to start standing up for yourself, embracing the idea of rejection can make a big difference. This program has been designed as a business and brand building experience (unlike any other!) so you will have to translate the content to fit your non-business creative endeavor.[/accordion-item]
[accordion-item title=”+ Tell me more about the Gold Star Mastermind. How does it all work?”]The Gold Star Mastermind Level is your chance to work 1-on-1 with Tiffany over the course of a year and connect with and learn from other creative entrepreneurs who are also growing their business. Both forms of support are invaluable.
Here’s how it will work: for 8 months out of the year, you will have an hour-long 1-on-1 call with me. For the other 4 months, you’ll gather with the other mastermind participants for a day-long (9am to 3pm PST) co-working session where you’ll not only have a dedicated day to work on any big growth project of your choosing, but you’ll also be able to seek real-time feedback from both me and the group. The co-working sessions will be held in January, April, July, and October on the second Tuesday of each month.
In addition, you’ll have a monthly hour-ish long accountability call with each of the mastermind participants where you’ll share your accountability publicly with the group. Your monthly commitments will be tracked on a shared google doc so we’ll all be able to stay accountability with each other. (This doc will be completely confidential and will NOT be shared outside of the small mastermind group participants. These calls will take place each month on the 1st Tuesday of each month at noon PST (this timing is subject to change depending on participants time zones.)
And, finally, enrollment in the Gold Star Mastermind also includes a 3-day in-person business building retreat in the San Francisco Bay Area. Lodging and most meals will be included. The retreat will take place in late-April/May and the dates will be determined based on participants’ availability.
In addition, you’ll receive a baller edition of the 100 Rejection Letters kit that includes required reading material and a couple special surprises from Tiffany. Because you ARE a baller. And it’s time you started acting like it.[/accordion-item]
[accordion-item title=”+ Is there any obligation if I apply for the Gold Star Mastermind?”]Nope. The applications are no-obligation, so if you’re on the fence, go ahead and apply! It might help you decide if working more closely with me is a good fit for you. And, if you’re thinking of applying, don’t delay as spots will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis and are limited in availability.[/accordion-item]
[accordion-item title=”+ Okay. I’m applying! What happens once my application is submitted?”]Within 24 hours of receiving your application, I’ll reach out with a personal email letting you know if you’re a good fit for the program or if I have any follow-up questions. I’ll also let you know if I think we should have a short consultation call where I can answer any outstanding questions you have. Once you’re accepted, I’ll be able to hold your spot for 24 hours, pending receipt of your payment or deposit.[/accordion-item]
[accordion-item title=”+ What’s up with the bonuses?”]The first 50 people to register at the Standard level will receive a bonus 45-minute 1-on-1 brand clarity strategy session with me to be used within the first 6 weeks of the program. This is your chance to get clear on your brand at the onset of the program so you can get to work already! The first 100 people will receive 3 of my digital programs: More Shenanigans, Please; 30-Day Social Media Rehab; and How to Say No.[/accordion-item]
[accordion-item title=”+ How long do I have to sign up for all of this?”]The program starts on November 1, and registration for this current round will be open until October 26. Early-bird pricing is available until October 19. Because this is a year-long program, you won’t be able to sign up again until Fall 2017.[/accordion-item]
[accordion-item title=”+ Do you offer a money-back guarantee?”]I stand behind the program I’ve created but know that your success in it depends on your commitment, so no, I am not able to offer a money-back guarantee, just as J Crew won’t refund your purchase of a shirt that is still hanging in your closet with its tags on after 2 years. It is up to you to do the work of this program, and I will teach you all of my best dance moves. But I’m not going to be on the sidelines with you dragging you out onto the floor. It’s up to you to meet me under the disco ball. And if you’re willing to, magic will be made. I promise. That being said, if at any point you aren’t satisfied with the material, please let me know and I’ll make it right.[/accordion-item]
[accordion-item title=”+ Can I really do this?”]Yes. It’s your turn. Let’s go.[/accordion-item]
Other Questions? Hit me up here and I’ll get back to you ASAP.
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