There’s a myth that we need to talk about. A myth that says that successful people have things figured out. That they flit about within a haze of inspiration, creating gorgeous work that will outlive the rest of us as model legacies of talent and beauty.
The myth says that successful creatives are god-like in their ability to create and their lack of fear. Simply holding a paintbrush or pencil empowers them, and their creative process looks like a montage from a movie. The relationship moves from first date to marriage without any struggle at all – there aren’t any awkward are we or aren’t we conversations or meeting of the parents or tears over whether or not leaving your cereal box out on the counter is a deal-breaker.
And just like those movies don’t give a realistic view of relationships, the internet doesn’t give a realistic view of the creative process.
The book deals and gallery shows and podcast episodes and licensing deals. You see the accolades and the beautiful, finished products.
You see the dazzling rose bushes of the successful (because they are a people so unlike the rest of us), and you can’t help but contrast their stunning blooms with the tiny seedlings of ideas you hold in your hand.
So you compare. And compare. And compare. And, without even realizing it, you stop yourself from doing the thing that is necessary to make those roses of yours grow – the work.
Creative success. Movement. Progress. Freedom.
To feel like you’re accomplishing your goals, making your mark, living up to your purpose.
To actually start doing those things you think about all the time, the ones you watch other people doing, the ones that you say you want to do.
Those moves that sound so simple on paper are terrifying in reality.
And your life is already full enough.
You’re overextended. And exhausted.
On top of that, figuring out the right way to move forward feels impossible. And even if you did have all the answers, what happens when that pesky doubt jumps into the picture? When the worry raises its seemingly-well-intentioned voice and asks, but what if…? When you aren’t really sure what move is the right one or how to actually make it?
You wait. You research. You think about things for just a little bit longer.
You dabble about, dipping your toe into this pool or that, without ever really getting into the water.
You watch other people online work on their Big Things, knowing the grand irony is that your consumption of their success only moves you farther away from your own.
The myth of creative success is just that: a myth. And I am here to dispel the myths and tell the truth – the truth about the universal creative struggles we all face, whether or not we have a book deal.
The truth about how to get started.
The truth about what to do with fear.
The truth about how creative success really feels – and how that feeling might surprise you.
You’re ready to make your move now; you just need some new tools in your toolbox.
Also: those big dreams of yours deserve your full attention. Even with the worry and the doubt and the tail-spinning that will inevitably show up.
A new course designed to teach you how to step past your worry and doubt, give way fewer f*cks, and get moving on your creative dreams.
This class is designed to give you practical tools you can use in the moments of creative execution so that you actually get some things done instead of running into the arms of Instagram.
Embrace the 5 key guiding principles to creative execution
Identify the very first step of what you want to make happen
Recognize doubt and fear in the moment and know how to tackle it
Incorporate self-care practices that are critical to preserve your energy
…and figure out what comes after that very first step…because after you start, you’ve gotta keep going!
A 90-minute Live Class
A Do It Anyway Workbook that will be your creative companion as you integrate all of the teachings into your day-to-day life
A 2-week implementation period with twice weekly pep talk emails designed to help you keep your eye on the prize
A 90-minute live follow-up Q+A call designed to help you tackle any issues that came up and plan for what’s next
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It’s not enough to know you need to know something. It’s not enough to think it’s a good idea. It’s not enough to pick a start date someday in the future.
None of that is going to get you where you want to be.
And the bad news about raising your hand and saying yes? To be truly successful at it, you have to do it a lot. All the time. Over and over and over again.
(So you might as well get started, eh?)
The key to this working is that you gain resilience through your consistent discomfort. Over time, that discomfort becomes familiar. You realize that you’ll be okay. And you start taking your risks faster. You act sooner. You reach higher than you would have the day prior.
And that’s when significant shifts start to happen.
Listen, Sweets, I understand the creative process.
Since 2011, I’ve coached hundreds of creative women who are on their own quests to take bold, inspired action on those bold, inspired dreams of theirs. In addition, I’ve been making some bold moves of my own all along the way:
I started my Raise Your Hand Say Yes podcast, which has been named an iTunes New & Noteworthy and a What’s Hot podcast, and has over 1 million (!!) downloads.
I landed writing, speaking, and teaching gigs at, Paper & Stitch, ALT Summit, Craftcation Conference, the Hello Sessions (hi, keynote!), Blogtacular (hi, keynote again!), and CreativeLive.
I built a 6-figure business that includes sold-out programs, baller collaborations, dream relationships, and an inbox filled with more opportunities than I could possibly say yes to.
I know the stories that hold all of us back.
I know how real procrastination is.
I know what it feels like to sit safe and cozy in the comfort zone of someday while someone else lives out your version of success.
I know it all. I’ve seen it all. I’ve felt it all.
I also know what it takes to move beyond all of that resistance and start creating momentum of your own. And I can’t wait to teach it to you.
Will there be a Facebook group for this class? Nope, not this round. The intention of the course is to get you out of your head and get your work out into the world. You’ll be learning real-life practices that you’ll get to apply in the moment, and for this one, I want to keep everyone off Facebook as much as possible.
I’m traveling/busy/working during the live teaching and Q+A call. Can I still participate? You bet! The live teaching and Q+A call will be recorded and shared with all participants. In addition, you’ll have a chance to submit any questions you have in advance of the Q+A call, so you won’t have to be present to participate. Note: dates for the next round have not been set yet.
How long will I have access to the materials? All of the course materials (live teaching recording and worksheets, email pep talks, Q+A call recording and questions log) will be housed on an online teaching platform and you’ll have lifetime access.
When will you be offering this again? I’m not sure, but if you’re feeling nervous-excited, get on the waitlist to be the first to hear about the next round!
Any other q’s? Email me here!
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