You’re a master at being in agency for yourself…almost a little too much. (Hear me out!)
Yes, you’ve got big dreams for yourself and the moxie to make them happen. And they will, as long as you’re allowed to do things your way!
You bristle when someone tells you how you should be living, and everyone else’s tried-and-true formulas never seem to work. The only thing that does? You being you, doing you, the way YOU want to.
Which is great…for the most part.
Be careful that your go-it-aloneness doesn’t lead you into isolation. Your rebellious nature can take you farther away from the life you want; your stubborn refusal to listen to other people translates to ignoring best practices or good advice that might actually be useful!
How to move forward? By finding people you trust, and letting them help you when things get sticky.