Hey hey hey friends! I am so excited to share that the Raise Your Hand Say Yes show is back!
It’s a brand new iteration, and in today’s episode, I’m talking all about that and so much more, like:
Plus, I finally get to share with you maybe the most exciting news – you can now also watch Raise Your Hand, Say Yes on YouTube!
(and then you can always head back here to the show notes for each episode if you need any extra details like books I talk about or other fun stuff I mention)
So, let me fill you in a little about why I am choosing to bring back Raise Your Hand Say Yes (RYHSY) now.
I mean, it’s back now, because it is TIME, friends.
But, first, a bit of back story …
Some of you may remember when the Raise Your Hand Say Yes podcast began way back in 2014.
I was just coming off of maternity leave with my twins, which was a wee bit challenging at the time, but one of the things that helped me so much was conversation with wise, witty, fun friends.
I found myself wishing that other people could sit in on these conversations, and so, I decided I would make a podcast!
The Raise Your Hand Say Yes show was born, and the idea of Raise Your Hand Say Yes really became My Thing. I went all in.
And it was amazing. I put out weekly episodes for 7 years.
Until …
And then Raise Your Hand Say Yes went away for a bit, for a very good reason.
I stopped saying yes so much, and started saying no.
In fact, in 2022, I did a whole Year of No – starting with stepping away from social media.
I also decided I was not going to do anything that felt like an obligation.
Now. I thought saying no to stuff that didn’t feel right was going to make me want to podcast more, but actually, I started podcasting less and less.
I realized that after 420 episodes, I was burned out. Plus, I didn’t feel like I could responsibly create a podcast called Raise Your Hand Say Yes, because I was not in a season of doing that in real life.
I was also hearing from so many of you that especially following a major global event (ahem), saying yes and being driven and taking on more and more wasn’t working for you either.
Coming off my Year of No in 2022, I felt re-energized, and I had big plans, but re-entry took a bit longer than expected. I realize now, that I was looking for balance between YES!!!!! and NOOOOOOO!!!
If you are like me, you want to be able to raise your hand and say yes to things that feel right, but that means saying no enough that you have the capacity to actually do that.
So we are back with a new version of Raise Your Hand Say Yes.
I’ve been thinking of it as Raise Your Hand Say Yes * and the * = a nuanced yes.
That means that we are going to focus on saying no too, so that we have capacity for the BIG YESES that grab us.
Those may not be the flashy-to-other-people yeses. Instead, we’re going to focus on the yeses that bring joy and delight and help you feel connected to yourself.
All of that sounds really action-y, but the truth is, living in this kind of alignment brings a sense of peace and calm.
But wait! Do NOT worry go-getters.
I know focusing on calm may sound a little boring, but this is just another place where we are going to invite in two things – we can have more calm, and also grab hold of what lights us up – I promise.
So, here is your RYHSY question of the week …
But first, I want you to think tiny as you consider this contemplation.
Because we are overachievers, right? But for a minute, let’s stop trying to prove ourselves – and just decide we are already worthy just as we are.
For me, I’m saying yes to daily journaling that is neither perfect nor fancy.
But it does help me slow down.
And guess what I am learning here?
That I can slow down, and things still get done! Yay!
Not only that, I am seeing that small things are powerful. Actually, it’s the seemingly too-small things that make up the days of our life.
It goes like this:
Small things determine how our life feels. ➡️ How our life feels determines what we do next and how much radical self belief we have as we do it. ➡️
And then, from that place of full-on crazy faith, you can decide what you say yes to.
Kind of mind-blowing, right?
So this brings us back around to this brand new version of the Raise Your Hand Say Yes podcast.
We’re not JUST on YouTube now, y’all.
We are also playing a new game, with a brand new set of rules.
We are saying YES to peace and showing up for ourselves, and we are saying no to the stuff that disrupts our calm and pulls us off track.
Tiffany Han [00:00:01]: Hey, y'all, it's Tiffany Han here. And welcome, or welcome back. To raise your hand, say yes. So excited to be here. We are starting a new chapter today, and we're also continuing an old chapter. So today I want to talk with you about my vision for raise your hands, say yes. The YouTube and podcast. YouTube channel podcast.
Tiffany Han [00:00:23]: A podcast still figuring out all the language, but let's just go with it. I also want to talk about why raise your hand, say yes went away before for why it's coming back now and what I am holding for us in this new iteration. So I feel like an Internet dinosaur as I say this, I actually started raise your hand, say yes. The podcast in 2014. What? Fun fact. I started this before the podcast cereal came out. And for those of y'all who are podcast babies, Cereal was a podcast that came out in the fall of 2014 that, like, it was by the producers of this american life. And to me, it was really a podcast that, like, got the phrase podcast into general conversations.
Tiffany Han [00:01:11]: Before serial, people were. Some people were talking about podcast, but not many. And when I used to tell people I have a podcast, that they would say, what does that mean? So, yeah, um, I started my podcast in 2014. I was coming off of maternity leave with my twins, who are about to go into fifth grade, y'all. Oh, my God. And I wanted to start having conversations, like, actual back and forth conversations, because when my babies, my twins were little, and I would be home with them when Tim was working, he worked weekends. Often, friends of mine would come over and sit in my house and hold a baby, and we would just talk, talk, talk. And so many creative, inspiring, wise friends came and sat in my living room.
Tiffany Han [00:02:00]: If you were one of them, thank you for saving me during that very challenging postpartum time. And I was like, oh, I wish that other people could hear these conversations now. I launched that in 2014. And then through the years, I didn't even know this was gonna happen, y'all. Through the years, raise your hand, say yes became my thing. It became what my brand was around. It was such a great marketing tool. It was such a beautiful way to be in conversation with people, but also get myself into people's minds.
Tiffany Han [00:02:37]: People always said, oh, it's like I can hear you in my head, which I also loved and felt like such a privilege and such a joy. And from 2014 until, gosh, 2021, I put out weekly episodes. Weekly episodes. Sometime in there, I also had started a second podcast that I ran for, I believe, a couple of years. For a while there, I was doing two episodes a week. Two. I was doing it. Then in 2022, I took a break from social media.
Tiffany Han [00:03:18]: It was called my year of no. I said, I'm not gonna do anything out of obligation. I took a break from all social media and really tried to take a break from the Internet at large as much as possible. And during that time, I thought that what was gonna happen was that I was going to be so inspired to do my podcast all the time. Oh, my gosh. And slowly, over time, my podcast went from weekly to every other week to. I just sort of stopped. Now, of course, I recorded episodes about that, but what I also found is that that coincided, right, with my year of no, with 2022, kind of that second year of COVID when we were all like, we've been at home for so long, and what are we doing, and how do we get back into our lives? And what I found was that I couldn't responsibly talk about raise your hand, say yes.
Tiffany Han [00:04:17]: Well, one, I found that I was just burned out on creating content and needed a break after 420 something episodes. Yeah, your girl needed a break. But also, I didn't feel like I could responsibly produce a podcast called Raise your hand, say yes. In 2021, I renamed the podcast to Tiffany Honcho. Let me start that part over. In 2021, I had renamed the podcast the Tiffany Han show. And part of the reason why was that I felt like I couldn't, in good faith and in integrity and with good responsibility, keep telling people to raise your hand. Raise their hands and say yes.
Tiffany Han [00:04:58]: Because what I found and what so many of us had this great, painful awakening, especially during COVID was that we all needed to put our hands down and say no a lot more. Because just saying yes, just taking on more and more and more and more and more and being so driven, wasn't getting us where we wanted to go. And it was actually taking us out of the rest of our lives. Right? It was taking us away from the things that were important to us, the people that were important to us, our family, our friends. It was creating this thing where we just kept saying yes to more and more and more, trying to cram it all in. And then what do you do? Ah. And then how do you navigate that burnout? So I joked for a while that the podcast needed to be called put your hand down and say no. That's an awfully awkward podcast title.
Tiffany Han [00:05:51]: So I went with the Tiffany Han show, took a break from podcasting in 2022 because I just needed break. And then I was planning on coming back in 2023, as we do. Right. Coming back to the Internet. And, y'all, my reentry just took longer than I thought. And the thing that I learned and that I get to keep learning and learning and learning over and over again in so many different ways is everything is going to take longer than you think it should. Especially when it's around healing, especially when it's around evolution, especially when you are a person who is creative and ambitious and driven and you're really trying to undo your programming, and yet. Right, like, we don't want to just keep saying yes to everything, and the answer is not to never say yes again.
Tiffany Han [00:06:45]: Right. We're really stepping out of that all or nothing into everything that's in between. So it's not yes or no. It's no to all of this. No, but yes to this and yes to this and yes to this. So we still want to be able to take those bold, inspired moves, and we also want to have the capacity to steward the bold, inspired moves, to turn them into something beautiful. Hence, dun dun, dun dun. Welcome to the new.
Tiffany Han [00:07:24]: I don't want to say new and improved, but new and more nuanced. Raise your hand, say yes. I like to call it the raise your hand, say yes with an asterisk of raise your hand, say yes only when you have the capacity to say yes and understand that your yes. The road to your yes is going to be paved with so many no's because you cannot keep taking on more and more and more and expect yourself to, number one, be able to handle it, and number two, be able to have any joy or delight in your life and the other pieces that often are yes. Right. We can talk about those big, beautiful, very. Looks great on paper yeses. I'm working on the book.
Tiffany Han [00:08:08]: I got the promotion. Look what my kids did. Check out my house. All of those things. Those are great. And the yeses that I want you to practice saying more are the ones that have to do with a deep connection to yourself, to what matters to you most, to your creativity, to the things that are most important. To being fully present. There's a dog.
Tiffany Han [00:08:39]: To being fully present, to finding delight, to being aware of where you are, to really living with that peace and that calm. Even though when the world tells us that we need to do more. More. Bigger, bigger, bigger. At first. Listen up, y'all. I know it. I know it.
Tiffany Han [00:09:00]: At first, finding peace, prioritizing peace and calm, even joy can feel boring and like, it's not enough. Yeah, I know and you cannot tell me that there are so many things in your life that would benefit from you being in a calm, more present, more focused place. Right. Right. And I want y'all, please, please, please believe me when I tell you that a highly creative person I'm talking to, you can have both a peace life and say yes to the things that light you up. It can be both. It can't always be both at once. And I want you to know this, too.
Tiffany Han [00:09:52]: Sacrificing your peace for the thing you want to build is not going to bring you more peace down the road. Because whatever you use to build it is what's going to be required to maintain it. And that is not what we want for you. We want you to start everything from that foundation, that beautiful foundation of calm and joy and peace and connection and love. Yes. Yes. Yes. Okay, so you get the asterisk.
Tiffany Han [00:10:24]: I want to leave you today with a. Raise your hand, say yes. Deep thought. Deep thought. Question. I don't know what I'm going to call these yet because I haven't figured all of those out, but let's. Let's just say it's contemplation. Raise your hand, say, hmm.
Tiffany Han [00:10:46]: I want you to think about what small things you want to raise your hand and say yes to. And I want to really encourage you to think smaller than you're inclined to because. So we are high achievers, overachievers, right? Like, overachievers Anonymous, here we are, high achievers. And that high achievement has gotten us so many great things in our life. And at the point you are in your life, you no longer have to achieve in order to prove yourself or get the love or fit in or win or whatever, right? We can play with like, oh, I am worthy as I am. I am good enough right now. Just like this. Oh, just like this.
Tiffany Han [00:11:43]: And I have nothing to prove to anybody, y'all. That is some beautiful grace there. And if you truly believed that, what small things would you say yes to me? I'm currently playing with daily journaling. And this does not have to look like that picture perfect journaling the way that we think it does. Just writing down some thoughts, drawing a tarot card, slowing down, right? Letting go of all of my hurry and letting everything take more time, which allows me to be more present and connected. And the big secret is, everything is still getting done. All the important stuff still getting done. It's getting done better because I'm not all frantic, y'all imagine.
Tiffany Han [00:12:31]: Imagine if everything, if all of a sudden everything got done. Not at a frantic pace. And you actually became more effective and not less effective. Yeah, y'all. What little things are you gonna say yes to? Please trust me when I tell you that the small things, even though they don't seem exciting. Right? Another asterisk here. The small things are actually going to be more powerful and affecting how you feel when you wake up in the morning and how you feel when you go to bed at night than those big things. And I want you.
Tiffany Han [00:13:06]: I want every single person on this planet to wake up to a life that feels delicious and so beautiful to be in and just filled with joy. That is what I want for all of us. And I get to start with myself and with you and with whoever else might be listening to this or watching this. Here's the thing that we have to. That we. Hmm. Have to remember, right? No obligation. Here's the thing that we get to remember.
Tiffany Han [00:13:38]: Write it on a post it, put it, tattoo it, tattoo it on your face if you need to. Those small moments, those small things, the seemingly too small things make up the days of our life. Vacations are great. Big, bold announcements. Great. And the next day, you wake up and you are still yourself. So the small things make up the days of our life, and the small things are what determine how our life feels and. Right.
Tiffany Han [00:14:12]: We're getting there. We're getting there. We're hopping, hopping. How your life feels determines what you do next, what actions you take, how much faith you have, how much radical self belief you have, what bold moves you make, what risks you're able to take, what bigger things you say yes to, and what bigger things you say no to. Those small yeses will lead you to the big yes if you trust them and if you practice being in them, because that being in them is often harder than doing the big, scary thing. We are great at big, scary things. We are great at big, bold moves. We are great at working our fingers to the bone for the sake of something that's on our to do list or something that's on someone else's to do list.
Tiffany Han [00:15:08]: Am I right? So what we are doing now, in 2024, in the new iteration of raise your hand, say yes is we are playing a different game. We are playing by a different set of rules, and we are showing up for ourselves and for our peace. And we're saying that that which disrupts my calm, that which has to be done at a frenzied, frantic pace, ultimately does not serve me. So let me find a new way. Yeah. Are you in? Are you in? Are you in? Let me know if you're in. And finally, step one. Step one.
Tiffany Han [00:15:53]: Always right. And this is. This was step one in 2014, step one now in 2024, in this new iteration, trust that you are a person who figures things out. That is radical self belief in action. I am a person who figures things out. We raise our hands, we say yes, and we trust that we will figure things out over and over and over and over and over again as long as it takes. Okay, y'all, we're doing this. If you like what you hear, subscribe and follow and click the buttons to thumbs up it.
Tiffany Han [00:16:31]: You know all the things. If you feel generous and you want to leave a review of the podcast, that would be amazing and I would love you forever. I'm doing the I cut my finger today doing that. Doing the heart. If you have any questions or if there's something that you would love for me to talk about, let me know. Leave a comment. You can let me know over on Instagram in the DM's. I am very easy to reach.
Tiffany Han [00:16:55]: You can always find me@tiffanyhan.com. and I also wanted to let you know that the gentle productivity club is open for new members. This is a whole club membership group of Rad people who are looking for a new way of doing things, a new way of showing up to all the big and little things that they want to move forward and saying, let's find a better way. Let's find a gentle way because that old frantic energy no longer working so you can get all the details@tiffanyhon.com. gentle productivityclub I would love to see you in there. Y'all have the best rest of your day. I will talk to you very soon. Mwah.
So if you are reading all of this, and thinking, Yup – I am in, there are a couple of things you can do.
Got questions? Or ideas you would like me to maybe talk about here?
Leave a comment or an Instagram DM. Or, you can always find me at tiffanyhan.com.
And finally, if this really speaks to you, I think you would really enjoy Gentle Productivity Club!
In this new membership, we get stuff done, make room for creativity and growth, tackle the hard, scary stuff together in super manageable chunks, and then we cheer each other on.
If you head over to learn more, there‘s currently a bonus, so go take a peek!
For now, thank you so much for being here! I’ll see you soon!
Tiffany on YouTube (more fun stuff is coming here soon!)
Episode 400: Introducing My Year of No (and Why I’m Quitting Social Media)
Episode 347: Radical Self-Belief: What It Is, What It Isn’t and What It Can Do For You
Episode 23: The Crazy Faith Episode
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