Finally, the episode about money! When I thought about money talk, I knew that I had to have Bari Tessler Linden on the show – she is The Person who knows how to deal with all the money stuff, from the ins and outs of bookkeeping to overcoming money shame and bad habits. Bonus, she’s super nice and lovely to talk with!
In this episode, we talk about how to start (my favorite!) getting your money game in order, from the spiritual to the practical. Bari points out that your Money Story is your Life Story and that getting one in order will always impact the other! We also talk about what to do when the need to Quit your Day Job is chomping at your heels and what to do if you already have your own business.
I hope to have many more conversations about money on this show. Because we all could use a reframe when it comes to money and finances and earning.
Thank you Bari! You are a delight!
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Connect with Bari: Website | Twitter | Instagram
Bari’s The Art of Money program
Money Mocha series
Money Memoirs
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