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    Through a mix of interviews and solo episodes,

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    CHANGING LIVEs since

    The Tiffany Han Show (formerly Raise Your Hand Say Yes) is a weekly podcast that teaches ambitious go-getters how to design lives that feel as good on the inside as they look on the outside.

    latest episodes

    Listen in to learn how to transform your life from black-and-white to full, radiant Technicolor and live from a wildly-creative place of
    radical self-belief.

    ‘Round these parts, we talk about:


    Smashing self-doubt

    Smashing the patriarchy

    Mental health




    Living out loud


    Baking bread & taking naps

    Letting faith, grace, and discernment lead the conversations

    ‘Round these parts, we talk about:

    New? start here.


    At some point, we were lit up and inspired. We let our imaginations run wild...until responsibilities started chipping away. (Your creativity is a superpower. Let's reconnect you to it!)

    Let's answer some of your unanswered questions about all those things we're not supposed to talk about in polite conversation. More money, more sex, more freedom.

    money & sex

    radical self belief

    If you truly trusted yourself, where would you let yourself gaze? What would you start saying no to? What would you start saying yes to? 

    truth telling

    What are the things you wish you could say out loud? What truths are you hungry to tell? What would it give you to hear someone else saying similar things first?

    sobriety, recovery, & adhd

    Quitting what's not working. Asking for help. Prioritizing mental health. Saying, "I'm not okay" or "Not this" out loud, even if you don't know what's next. 

    new models of success

    What would your life look like if you based your decisions and next steps on how you wanted to feel, rather than who the world told you to be?


    What is prayer to you? How do you tend your own spirit and your connection to your divine spark? And what do you do with the doubt?

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